
This is a project undertaken via OrgJunkie. Starting the first week in January, the challenge was to find one thing per week - even small projects - and complete them. My list follows below.

Items in red are partially complete and trying to finish them around everything else.
Items in green are awaiting outside factors I can't control at this time; should have made them later week's goals
Items in pink have either not been started at all or have barely been started
Items in blue are finished, but I don't have pictures up yet

If it's linked (black), it's complete and posted with pictures! I'm slow on this part, bear with me. More links will appear in place of the blue items as I get pictures, post about the project, then link it to this list :)
  1. Organize art supplies and items
  2. Library Conversion
  3. Lunchstation 
  4. Moving Playroom from upstairs to downstairs formal living area
  5. Craft closet conversion
  6. Paint kitchen and attached hallway and entry
  7. Paint downstairs bathroom and redecorate
  8. Re-do entryway/Backpack station
  9. Paint Laundry Room and re-do
  10. Paint Playroom
  11. Paint Master Bathroom
  12. Organize Master Bathroom - Throw away/donate 75% of too much stockpile
  13. Set up first Swimming Pool
  14. Clean out Garage/Rent storage unit
  15. Build desks in Master Bedroom
  16. Re-decorate dd2's bedroom
  17. Sort dd2's clothes for seasonal changeover
  18. Sort my clothes and drawers
  19. Sort dd1 and ds' clothes for seasonal changeover
  20. Sort coupons into check files
  21. Sort back to school supplies
  22. Totally clear out media room
  23. Do major filing in office
  24. Make labels for closet bins
  25. Make labels for playroom bins
  26. Make labels for laundry bins
  27. Hang TV in Master Bedroom
  28. Re-decorate DS' room
  29. Renovate kitchen (MASSIVE project)
  30. Make workable homework station 
  31. Make workable family calendar
  32. Re-do Pantry bins
  33. Re-do Pantry shelves
  34. Paint DD1's room
  35. Re-do PECS system and boards
  36. Re-arrange DD1's room
  37. Continue cleaning out Media room

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